What’s an Energy Block + How Is One Cleared with Reiki

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita sought energy healing while recovering from an autoimmune illness and countless related symptoms. Energy healing helped her listen to her body’s innate wisdom, cope with chronic illness, and pursue her soul’s calling - helping others heal through the mind and body connection. With energy healing sessions, courses, and a blog, she shares tools for transformation and self-healing.

Energy blocks are often the repeated patterns that we aim to free ourselves from. They are the thoughts, feelings and habits that make us who we are, but if transformed, can catapult us into who we aspire to be.
What is an Energy Block? Identifying & Clearing Energy Blockages

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Energy healers such as Reiki practitioners, Shamans, and psychics help clients in identifying energy blocks that hinder them from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We collaborate with clients to pinpoint the root cause of an energy block, understand how it manifests, and explore ways to shift it. Spiritual healers may use the term energy block to describe what they are intuitively sensing, seeing or witnessing in your aura. However you may find that language a bit esoteric. You may be wondering what is an energy blockage, where do they come from, and how can one be cleared. In this blog, I will share the most common ways energetic blocks present, and provide insights on how to move energy.

What are energy blocks?

Energy blocks are areas where life force (also known as ki, prana or chi in Eastern cultures) becomes stagnant, or whose flow has been interrupted. All sentient beings are consciousness at the most foundational level. What we think, feel, witness, and do determines the flow or lack thereof of lifeforce. Energy blocks are often the repeated patterns that we aim to free ourselves from. They are the thoughts, feelings and habits that make us who we are, but if transformed, can catapult us into who we aspire to be.

Why do we need to be aware of energy blocks?

Energy blocks can lead to illness, pain, discomfort, mental health challenges, spiritual imbalances, and emotional troubles. The disharmony that arises from unhelpful perspectives, emotional baggage, unhealed trauma, and limiting habits can hold us back from attaining the relationships, work opportunities, fulfillment, and health that we seek. Energy blocks perpetuate a loop in our minds and emotions, preventing us from reaching the next level of growth we desire. Whether we’re looking to create financial abundance, meaningful relationships, purpose, joy, or mind and body healing, examining the energy we hold can provide profound insight. It unveils how we perceive ourselves, our patterns and shortcomings, and why we encounter the same life lessons repeatedly.

Release Energy Blocks

What does an energy block look like?

Since energy blocks affect us in mind, body and spirit, they can look very differently from one person to the next. Energetic blocks can manifest as

  • Illness or pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Not being able to receive or give, inability to maintain healthy relationships
  • Anxiety, depression, dysregulated nervous system
  • Codependency, narcissism, attachment issues, karmic relationships
  • Addiction
  • Body image issues, eating disorders
  • Fatigue, stagnation, lethargy
  • Trouble focusing, having motivation or following through with ideas
  • Rigid patterns, or perspectives
  • Emotional overreactivity or numbness
  • Victim mentality
  • Lack of boundaries or rigid boundaries
  • Creative blocks, trouble with expression
  • Lack of faith, seeing with separation
  • Insecurity, fear, lack of belonging
  • Sexual confusion, repression, or an overabundance of sexual energy
  • Lack of compassion, difficulty trusting others
  • Too much empathy, lack of spiritual and energetic boundaries
  • Overidentification with self or ego
  • Fear or shame of intuition

Where do energy blocks come from?

While most of our thoughts, feelings, and patterns are learned, some are also inherited and absorbed from others. Certain energetic blocks may originate from past lives, experiences in our mother’s womb, or issues related to our physical health. Illness, a lack of movement and circulation, and pain can create energy blockages. When we don’t practice mindful and deep breathing, we dysregulate our energy and emotions. The consumption of drugs, alcohol, or stimulants can also lead to energy blockages. Energy blocks may be a result of childhood experiences, cultural, religious, and societal programming. Some are inherited from our ancestors through DNA. However, our chosen perspectives and inner dialogue with ourselves also determine the energy that we take on. Repressed emotions, memories, impressions, and trauma contribute significantly to the energy blocks we carry. Lastly, we also absorb energy from others and create blocks when we neglect to practice energetic hygiene.

Where are energy blocks held?

We can hold energy blocks in our seven chakras, aura, physical body, mind, or at a soul level. In the physical body, they can be held at a cellular level, in tissues, organs, muscles, joints, fascia, nervous system, or other areas. The mind can store energy blocks at the subconscious or conscious levels. In the subtle body, we can hold energy blockages in the chakras, central channel, nadis, or koshas. In addition, energetic blocks can also be held in our DNA and at a soul level.

Energy blocks of the root chakra
Energy blocks of the sacral chakra
Energy blocks of the solar plexus chakra
Energy blocks of the heart chakra
Energy blocks of the throat chakra
Energy blocks of the third eye chakra
Energy blocks of the crown chakra

How do I identify an energetic block that needs to be released?

The best way to identify energy blockages is through our awareness. Since energetic blocks are essentially thoughts, feelings, patterns, and impressions that hinder our highest alignment, reflecting and meditating upon them brings clarity to the ways in which we may be keeping ourselves stuck.

  1. You may enter your Akashic Records, or connect with your spirit guides to ask “What energetic patterns are ready to be witnessed?”
  2. You can also enter into a meditative trance and practice automatic writing with your soul. In doing so, you can channel information about your soul’s purpose, past lives, karmic relationships, and the lessons it came here to learn. 
  3. Chakras can also similarly be read in a space of higher awareness. You can inquire about the conditioning that you’ve taken on from society, culture, religion, parents and caregivers. You can witness the memories, imprints and emotions that comprise your chakras.  
  4. You can commune with your body to identify energetic blocks. In a meditative trance, ask your organs, systems of the body, and cells if there are imbalances in the flow of energy. Your awareness will likely be guided to areas of the body that could receive healing.
  5. Journal prompts are also highly resourceful in identifying the energetic blocks that you may be holding in your auric field. They help us to practice self observance. The more we study our nature, the more we can shift our perspectives and behavior to transmute energy.
  6. Allow yourself to feel your emotions while observing the lessons they present to you. For example, repeating feelings of envy can reveal our insecurities, desires, and scarcity mindset. When we are present with our underlying emotions, we break the patterns and stories that we tell ourselves.
  7. While practicing yoga and breathwork, notice where the breath feels stuck as well as any areas of tension, and discomfort. 

How can energy blocks be cleared with Reiki?

Reiki practitioners can also create a space of nonjudgmental, and intuitive presence in which they help identify and clear blocks. Reiki is a practice in which healers allow themselves to become an open conduit for universal healing intelligence. Through attunements, practitioners are initiated into the spiritual path and engage in meditation, mindfulness, and hands-on healing to balance ki. They can channel healing light into the body, mind, heart, and aura. Level 2 and 3 practitioners can also extend healing energy to the past, future, and individuals in remote locations from the practitioner.

Shifting Energetic Blocks with Self Reiki

If you have been attuned to a Reiki lineage, you can identify energetic blocks by entering into a meditative state and practice byosen scanning. Begin by grounding with Joshin Kokyu Ho or Kenyoku Ho, then comb your aura with your hands a few inches away from the body. You may notice warmth, tingling, pulsation, coolness, or a magnetic sensation in your hands. Your hands may move involuntarily as the energy guides you. Pay attention to these signals and continue hovering your hands over areas where you feel Hibiki until the sensations diminish. You might feel compelled to linger in a specific area for 30 seconds, a few minutes, or even longer. The key is to witness the healing process as Reiki rebalances your life force. You can ask questions like, ‘What energy is held here?’ or ‘What thought, emotion, or memory is ready to be reorganized?’ Simultaneously, release the need to understand every sensation or provide an explanation for every feeling. Instead, remind yourself that you are a conduit for healing. When the energetic block softens or releases, you’ll notice fewer sensations in that area, and you can repeat the byosen scanning process to identify another block.

With practice, you will intuitively sense energy blockages. When practicing on others, you may feel the sadness someone carries in their heart, see a pattern they need to break, or hear a message related to the energy block surfacing. Energy blocks may be revealed uniquely based on your strongest clair. It’s important to note that It’s not essential to interpret every bit of energy in a Reiki session. Even seasoned practitioners can identify some released energetic blocks but may not describe every energy that surfaces. In fact, it’s not necessary to identify every energetic blockage for it to be cleared.

Identifying Energy Blocks in Reiki Healing

Releasing Energy Blocks with a Reiki Healer

You may also consider working with a practitioner to gain insight into your specific energy blocks. Sessions can be conducted in person or virtually. As the practitioner intuitively connects with you, they will sense and identify energetic deficiencies, imbalances, and stagnation. Utilizing their connection with ascended masters, spirit guides, ancestors, and/or Source, they will work to harmonize life force. Additionally, practitioners often seek Divine guidance on how to further the healing process and prevent similar energy blockages. 

For instance, in a recent client session, I observed an excess of energy in her throat area. Sending light and attuning to the consciousness of that region, I perceived her difficulty expressing grief and feeling unseen and unheard after a move across the country. In my case, this insight came through claircognizance and clairsentience, but it can also manifest through clairvoyance or clairaudience.

Once the energy block has been identified, it often begins to heal with just that awareness. The pattern no longer has as strong a grip on us as it used to. It can be helpful to discuss these patterns further with your energy healer or therapist. You may also wish to journal about these thoughts and feelings to explore where they originate and how they affect you. Hands-on healing is another way to balance the life force and clear the energy block. By receiving Reiki from a practitioner or practicing self-Reiki, you can replenish areas of Ki deficiency, release excess energies, and allow stagnant energies to flow again.

What does the clearing of an energy blockage feel like?

Energy blocks can sometimes clear instantly, and other times, they may take multiple sessions or even months and years to clear, depending on various factors. These factors include how long you’ve been carrying a limiting belief or difficult emotion, the severity of the trauma, and your willingness to change.

While receiving Reiki, the clearing of a energy block can feel like:

  • Relief
  • A release of emotions, crying or laughter
  • Remembrance of a memory or seeing the same memory with new awareness 
  • A shift in perspective, or more understanding and forgiveness
  • An open heart, freedom and gratitude
  • Yawning, twitching, or stomach grumbling
  • Warmth, coolness, tingling, or pulsation of energy
  • Neutrality, peace or quietness of the mind
  • Spaciousness in the body, release of tension or pain
  • Ease in the breath
Parita Shah Intuitive Energy Healer - Reiki Master Teacher

let's work together

Parita intuitively connects with clients around the world to share reiki and chakra balancing. In a 60 minute call, you can discuss and clear energetic blocks that may be holding you back from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Allow her to support you in awakening to your true light.

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