How to Build a Robust Self Reiki Practice: Hand Positions, Meditations & Tips for Beginners

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita sought energy healing while recovering from an autoimmune illness and countless related symptoms. Energy healing helped her listen to her body’s innate wisdom, cope with chronic illness, and pursue her soul’s calling - helping others heal through the mind and body connection. With energy healing sessions, courses, and a blog, she shares tools for transformation and self-healing.

Most of us have experienced the difference between a day that started with mindfulness and a day that lacked the grounding of a self Reiki practice. The latter tends to feel chaotic and purposeless, while the former leaves us feeling grateful, ready, and even excited for the day ahead. So, what's holding you back from building that robust self Reiki practice?
Building a Robust Self Reiki Practice for Beginners: Hand Positions, Meditations & Tips

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Perhaps you’ve completed that Reiki Level 1 training you’ve had your eye on for so long—or perhaps even Levels 2 and 3! Maybe you envisioned yourself starting each day with a serene meditation and a hands-on-healing practice that would ground you for the busy day ahead. You might have eagerly begun for several days or even weeks, only to let the hustle and bustle of life take over. Our never-ending to-do lists, rushed mornings, and responsibilities can sometimes divert us from the self Reiki practice we once envisioned for ourselves.

Most of us have experienced the difference between a day that started with mindfulness and a day that lacked the grounding of a self Reiki practice. The latter tends to feel chaotic and purposeless, while the former leaves us feeling grateful, ready, and even excited for the day ahead. So, what’s holding you back from building that robust self Reiki practice?

In this post, I’ll share why you need to treat yourself to Reiki, offer tips to make your practice consistent and enjoyable, discuss the importance of hand placements in self Reiki, and introduce meditations to incorporate into your practice.

Benefits of Self Reiki Treatment

Spending as little as 15 minutes a day in your self Reiki routine can yield powerful benefits for your mind, body, and spirit. People from all walks of life, ranging from young adults to the elderly, stay-at-home parents to working professionals, practice self Reiki and experience transformation through consistent treatments. You may notice:

  • Reduced anxiety, stress, and/or depression
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Enhanced presence and emotional well-being
  • Decreased muscle tension, joint pain, and inflammation
  • A sense of vitality, energy, and refreshment
  • Clarity of thought, heightened intuition, and increased creativity
  • Healthier perspectives and the ability to let go of old stories
  • The release of past traumas and emotional baggage
  • Deeper awareness of Source, universal divine intelligence, and oneness
  • An increased ability to access joy, peace, and gratitude
  • Expedited recovery from injuries, workouts, and even surgery
How to Build a Robust Self Reiki Practice: Hand Positions, Meditations & Tips for Beginners

Tips for Building a Robust Self Reiki Practice

  1. Include all elements of Reiki in your practice. This can encompass the Precepts, attunements, meditation, breathing exercises, hands-on healing, mindfulness, and the symbols. Doing so will keep your practice dynamic and interesting while also challenging you on multiple fronts. You’ll witness your mind quieting down, your energy body expanding, and your physical body finding balance.
  1. Be honest about the amount of time you can commit to your self Reiki practice and then diligently track your progress. Setting overly high expectations can lead to disappointment, so instead, choose a realistic commitment that you can maintain. It might be 15 minutes a day or 30 minutes every other day. Once you’ve established your goal, create a system to track your practice, whether it’s on a calendar, in a journal, or using a spreadsheet. After each practice session, jot down a few thoughts and feelings. Periodically, you’ll be able to look back, see how your practice has evolved, and celebrate your dedication to healing.
  2. Hold yourself accountable by following a practice plan or course. One of the common questions that students often ask is, ‘What should I practice?’ With numerous meditations, techniques, and rituals available, you might wonder which ones are most essential for your daily practice. In my Reiki training sessions, I provide students with a 21-day practice plan. This plan allows them to explore various elements of the Usui Reiki system and different styles of practice. I also recommend repeating the plan multiple times to delve deeper into the exercises. As you revisit each meditation, you’ll experience more healing, understanding, growth, and release.
  3. Stay inspired by engaging with blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels that resonate with you. Consuming content mindfully can introduce you to new ideas, provoke self-reflection, and offer new approaches to your self Reiki sessions.
  4. Approach your practice with compassion, patience, and acceptance. Challenge yourself to release judgment and let your 15 minutes on the mat be a time of self-exploration rather than seeking perfection. Remember that the effectiveness of the techniques you study is enhanced by the softness you bring to them. For more insights on this topic, check out my earlier blog on ‘Qualities to Develop in Your Reiki Practice.
  5. Consider working with a mentor or Reiki teacher. Similar to many other disciplines, Reiki isn’t learned in a single day of training or even across three levels of training. It’s an ongoing practice, and having a mentor can help you identify ‘blind spots’ in your practice. They can also guide you in recognizing your personal growth, upcoming opportunities, and special gifts that you may be hesitant to embrace. Check if your Reiki master teacher offers Reiju, refresher attunements, or mentorship sessions.

Self Reiki Hand Positions

How important is hand placement in Reiki?

While touch is a fundamental element of Reiki that is grounding the nervous system and symbolizes compassion, there is no single protocol of hand positions that is correct or superior to others. As your practice evolves, you may find that meditation, visualization, intention, breathwork, and the quality of heart-mind (Kokoro) are equally significant, if not more so, than physical touch. In fact, Reiki can be practiced with or without touch. The positioning of the hands does not inherently draw ‘more’ energy or produce better results. Instead, hand placements represent just one facet of the practice that fosters self-connection.

In your self-healing practice, you can position your hands either directly on the body or a few inches away from it (within the aura). Some practitioners prefer to begin at their feet and gradually move their hands upward, while others may start at the crown of the head or another location. You can opt to place your hands over ten or more areas of the body or focus on a single area, depending on the time available. Regardless of your choice, Reiki flows freely throughout your entire being and is not restricted to where your hands are placed.

The key is to allow yourself to experiment with different protocols until you find a routine that works for you. Build an intuitive reiki practice by asking yourself:

  • How many hand positions do I have time for today? What feels right for my practice?
  • Where do I feel guided to start?
  • If I weren’t afraid of judgement, where would I place my hands next?
  • Which parts of my body could use universal life force?
  • Which part of the body is ready to release an emotion with my touch and presence?
  • What part of my aura is seeking Reiki?
  • Which final hand placement would seal my practice and aura? 

If you must start with a methodical routine of hand placements, consider the following self Reiki routine:

  • One hand on each foot (skip if the feet aren’t in reach)
  • One hand on each leg
  • Both hands on the pelvic area
  • Both hands on the abdomen
  • Both hands on the heart
  • Hands cupped around the throat
  • Hands cupped around the ears
  • Both hands on the third eye chakra at the center of the forehead
  • Both hands on the crown chakra at the top of the head

Some practitioners may feel guided to balance the flow of energy between two areas of the body. For instance, they may harmonize the energy between the heart and throat by placing one hand over the heart and the other over the throat.

You may also trust your intuition if you feel compelled to sweep energy away, cut energetic cords, or seal the aura. The placement of hands in your self Reiki practice can also be guided by Byosen Scanning, a Usui technique in which the aura is ‘combed’ to identify areas of imbalance. Practitioners typically experience sensations such as tingling, warmth, coolness, or pressure, which can signal the need to remain in that area until toxins are released and the energy is balanced.

Are there any side effects of self Reiki? What risks do I need to be aware of?

Since Reiki is a holistic therapy that relaxes the nervous system and restores the mind, body, and spirit, there are very few contraindications to Reiki. It’s important to note that Reiki is not recommended if you have a pacemaker or internal electronic implant, a bone fracture that hasn’t been set, epilepsy, or severe mental health conditions.

When receiving Reiki or practicing self Reiki, you may experience detoxification of the body, heightened self-awareness, increased intuition, and heightened empathic tendencies. However, these experiences are part of the healing journey and can be managed with appropriate supervision. If you experience detoxification as a result of Reiki, it typically lasts 1-3 days. It’s best to support your body with rest, water, and gentle foods. Be patient with yourself as your body releases and adapts to a new energetic alignment.

It’s also normal to become more aware of feelings and stories that you were previously suppressing. When practitioners develop a lifestyle with greater self-awareness, they may notice increased feelings of sadness, frustration, and overwhelm. Most importantly, do not identify too closely with these emotions. Acknowledge that they are simply energies that you have the power to shift and release. Part of the healing process involves allowing these aspects of yourself to emerge, be seen and heard, and then transform.

If you experience heightened intuition or empathic tendencies in a way that is uncomfortable or fear-inducing, you can work with your teacher to ground the energy body. There are numerous techniques for creating energetic protection to ensure that you can experience your spiritual nature safely. Your Reiki Master Teacher can guide you in ways that are specific to your energetic design, allowing your heightened intuition and empathy to become gifts that support you on your life’s journey. 

Self Reiki Meditations for Healing

Developing meditative awareness is foundational to practicing reiki. It can teach us to be witnesses of our experiences and to become open channels.. Reiki meditations encompass breathing exercises, intention setting, contemplation, hands-on-healing, chanting, visualization and more. Here are the 21 Meditations that I share within Activate Reiki, a program for Reiki practitioners who want to feel confident in their intuitive energy healing gifts. 

Mindfulness Meditation
Develop awareness of your body, mind, and emotions with the breath

Three Diamonds
Explore the Japanese subtle body

Ki Ball
Amplify energy in your palms through your breath, visualization and intent

Self Healing with Byosen Scan
Connect with the essence of hands-on-healing with Kenyoku Ho and Byosen Scan

Joshin Kokyu Ho
Build the Hara and root your energy with this traditional Japanese practice

Seishin Toitsu
Purify your mind and develop sensitivity in your hands

Nentatsu Ho
Reprogram thoughts, and patterns that are holding you back

Kotodama of the Reiki Precepts
Embody the frequency of the Reiki Precepts

Intuitive Self Healing
Welcome the voice of your inner wisdom as you explore your energy

Blessing Your Water
Begin to share Reiki in alternative ways and acknowledge the power of water

Tanden Chiryoho
Purify the mind and body as you create harmony between the two

Crystal Clearing
Release previous programming in a crystal, and store beautiful energy for you to access as needed

Sharing Reiki with a Space
Create sacred space in your home, office or car

Releasing Cords & Blessing Your Field
Practice energetic hygiene by cutting cords that may be draining you

Chakra Clearing
Explore the ancient Indian subtle body and empower your energy vortexes

Explore the Program

Learn Self Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing modality that has been made accessible and approachable for those who are new to a spiritual lifestyle. Dr. Mikao Usui introduced meditations and philosophies that can facilitate self-healing and self-awakening. You can begin to channel Reiki by participating in Reiki Level 1 training and receiving the appropriate attunements. Attunements are sacred rituals that open your energy field and facilitate a remembrance of the healing light that has always been within you. Students typically have a more tangible experience of Reiki and can access the energy as needed. You can develop your ability to channel Reiki through daily self Reiki meditations. Practitioners find that this routine helps them stay more present, joyful, and intuitive as they navigate life.

Parita Shah Intuitive Energy Healer - Reiki Master Teacher

let's work together

Parita intuitively connects with clients around the world to share reiki and chakra balancing. In a 60 minute call, you can discuss and clear energetic blocks that may be holding you back from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Allow her to support you in awakening to your true light.

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