14 Essential Qualities to Bring to Your Reiki Practice

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

After receiving a diagnosis of an autoimmune condition, and experiencing countless symptoms that didn’t budge through conventional allopathic medicine, Parita sought complimentary forms of healing through meditation and Reiki. Energy healing helped her listen to her body’s innate wisdom, cope with chronic illness, and pursue her soul’s calling - helping others heal through the mind and body connection. With energy healing sessions, courses, and a blog, she shares tools for transformation and self-healing.

Our Reiki practice is not what we do, but rather how we show up. It represents a state of mind and heart with which we move through our day and interact with the world.
Qualities to Bring to Reiki Practice

Our Reiki practice is not what we do, but rather how we show up. It represents a state of mind and heart with which we move through our day and interact with the world. 

When I am asked by aspiring Reiki practitioners, “What meditations and techniques should I practice?”, I want to redirect the conversation to the characteristics that we must nurture within our spirit. These are the qualities with which we must show up for hands-on-healing, meditation, and contemplation.

Whether you’re seeking to build a daily Reiki practice, or hold space for others, here are the qualities that we must approach Reiki with.

  1. Patience
    Building a spiritual mindset means that you trust in divine timing. The manifestation of your dreams and desires, or your client’s, will not happen according to your vision, but rather with the timeline of Universal consciousness. When practicing Reiki, surrender all plans, and control. Instead, begin to lean into the idea that the gifts of the practice are in the process of showing up, rather than a predetermined outcome.
  1. Trust
    The only difference between a novice Reiki practitioner, and a confident one, is that the latter trusts their experiences. They know that they are a vessel for love, serving everyone that they exchange with. Although it’s normal to question, “Am I doing this right? Am I making a difference?”, gently challenge your ego when these doubts surface. Reiki can be felt and experienced in endless ways. Trust your experience, make a note of it, and don’t judge the experience that you have. Trust the signs, synchronicities, and messages that you receive. You will feel sensations in the body, the presence of guides, and much more as you continue to practice. As you trust your innate healing abilities, and senses, you will find a harmonious balance between the analytical and intuitive minds. 
  1. Acceptance
    Our spiritual practice thrives when we cultivate acceptance for our practice as it is, rather than how it “should” be. Notice when your mind goes into comparing your experience to a previous one, or to someone else’s experience of Reiki. Be cautious of expectations that you may form, as they will block you from receiving and noticing the true benefits of the practice. Begin to notice when you’re creating comparison or expectations, and let yourself come back to your meditations, hands-on-healing practice, and other practices with acceptance of it, just as it is. 
  2. Persistence
    To be a clear and open channel for Reiki practice, and hold powerful space for others, we must give ourselves the same time, awareness, and space. While we nurture others, we must create a lifestyle that allows us to process and integrate energy. Everyday we exchange loads of energy through meetings, being in public spaces, online interactions, and more. We must bring restful awareness to our body, mind, and emotions in order to learn from our inner wisdom and release what isn’t serving us. This requires that we maintain a daily practice. Discipline and steadfastness are crucial to finding a long term Reiki practice that serves us. 
  3. Beginner’s Mind
    In Zen philosophy, it is believed that we can only learn, grow and experience something to the extent that our mind is free of preconceived ideas. A beginner’s mind is free of judgement, assumptions, and expectations. When giving or receiving attunements, practicing Byosen scanning, or reciting the Precepts, try to bring a fresh set of eyes, even if you’ve been practicing for decades. Let go of your preconceived ideas around what this practice will do for you, what you need to feel like, who you are, and what healing is. Be willing to experience something new, and don’t expect the same results. Don’t take anything for granted, don’t make assumptions, and you won’t be disappointed. See if you can empty the mind so that you can experiment with energy in new ways. 
  4. Openness
    You don’t have to figure out healing on your own. You only have to open up to Universal consciousness. Once you invite in intuitive guidance, you will be shown how to move energy. Your hands will be directed, your breath will carry lifeforce, and your heart-mind will be uplifted. All that is ready to be purified, and transformed in that moment, whether it be a thought, emotion, ache, disease or energy blockage, will be taken care of by divinely intelligent lifeforce or Reiki. Open up to Reiki on all levels of your being. Know that your healing can happen in any one of your energetic bodies–physical, subtle, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
  5. Compassion
    Our Reiki practice will help us to see the Light in us, but it will also surface the dark so that we can ascend through it. In those times, it’s essential that we remain kind to ourselves and recipients. This means that we bring a friendliness, and loving kindness to each meditation, session, and training. We treat ourselves (mind, body and spirit) and others with respect and appreciation. We forgive ourselves and others when it’s appropriate. 
  1. Collaborative
    As a Reiki practitioner, you do not need to rely solely on your own strength or skill. Ask for protection and an energetic blessing from those who you connect with the most. Call in Dr. Mikao Usui, your teachers, healers and guides. You can envision a white or golden chord linking from your heart to that of your guides. Know that you can receive help instantly, if you ask for it. You may ask Spirit to help you perform a Byosen scan, remain grounded while giving an attunement, or remain nonjudgemental during a Reiki session. The only limit to what you can ask for is that of your mind.
  2. Curiosity
    If you want to provide meaningful readings for yourself or clients, you have to develop an inquisitiveness. During Byosen scans and meditations, ask questions to your guides or your Higher Self. You may ask, “What am I holding here? Where does this energy stem from? How can I heal this?” Become curious about what’s beyond the physical plane and bring an eagerness to dig deeper. Ask Spirit questions such as, “What is the root cause of the illness? What am I here to learn? Who am I?” 
  3. Observant
    It’s important to follow up curiosity with a restful awareness. The quality of curiosity can easily escalate into over analysis and overthinking. Thus it’s important to observe and witness ourselves. Refrain from engaging with each sensation, thought, and emotion. You don’t have to fix, react to or dissect everything that you experience in meditation or a session. Some experiences will make sense to you with time, and some may not ever be fully understood. Allow yourself to be the witness of your experiences. 
  4. Faith
    Reiki asks us to trust in it’s divine intelligence. It’s consciousness knows where to flow, how quickly or slowly to flow, and what’s ready for healing in mind, body and spirit. This means that our role is to be present to the energy and let the consciousness of Reiki take the lead in sessions and meditations, rather than controlling the process or the outcome. Let Reiki flow where it needs to go, and bring about the shifts that you need in divine timing. Practice surrendering to a higher power. 
  5. Gratitude
    Our spiritual practice is much more joyful when we take a few moments to thank that which brought us to the present moment, our willingness to heal, and our guides. Consider giving thanks to Dr. Mikao Usui for discovering, and teaching the system of Usui Reiki. You may also take a few moments to feel the energy of anything that is going right for you. Let your heart, mind and energy field expand as you tap into appreciation. 
  6. Neutrality
    While it’s common for the ego to bring up fear or worry during Reiki practice, know that you can acknowledge these feelings without judgement. Notice if you carry the fear of making a “mistake”, taking on “negative” energy, or disappointing a client. Begin to see things as neutral, rather than good or bad. Your recipients will receive exactly what they are ready for once you work with pure intentions. You are not taking on good or bad energy, but rather are the channel for lifeforce. You or your client may not be sensitive or aware enough to feel the shifts. Regardless, break the pattern of analyzing what’s right and wrong. See if you can catch yourself when these thoughts form, and allow for a neutral point-of-view to form. 
  7. Courage
    Reiki practice is not for the faint-hearted. It requires us to look at our patterns while being brutally honest. It requires us to take responsibility for our past and present, learn, and change from the inside out. We are guided to break down our perceived identity, and all learned programming, to evolve with our soul’s purpose. While it’s normal and even healthy to feel vulnerable or low at times, work to cultivate the a courageous spirit in your Reiki practice. Aim to approach your self-study with resilience and perseverance.

For an illustrated guide to performing Kenyoku Ho and 5 guided reiki meditations for beginners, join the free Empower the Reiki Healer Challenge.

Approaching Your Reiki Practice

Don’t measure the effectiveness, beauty, or impact of your practice by how long you meditate, how many sessions you can hold, or how long you can chant the Precepts. Rather, focus on the attitude and mindset that you are able to bring to it. See if you can be patient with your body as it unravels dis-ease, open to receiving help from Heaven and Earth in sessions, and grateful for the process.

What qualities are essential to practicing Reiki in your opinion? I’d love to hear your opinion on this one in the comments below! Let’s keep the list going.

Parita Shah Intuitive Energy Healer - Reiki Master Teacher

let's work together

Parita intuitively connects with clients around the world to share reiki and chakra balancing. In a 60 minute call, you can discuss and clear energetic blocks that may be holding you back from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Allow her to support you in awakening to your true light.

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  • Lilyan

    I am so grateful for your sharing of wisdom. One of the recent activities I have practiced is gratuity out loud. I drive in my car and thank everything I’m the universe, the trees, the neighborhood, the people, my senses, what I see, hear and feel. Etc.
    and I come back home glowing. And I can’t expect that to happen every time but I feel like acting upon any of this given the perfect timing of the day, it will guide us back to center, truth, and Oneness. Thank you, thank you, thank you. HSZSN

    • paritashahhealing

      I love this practice, Lilyan! I used to also do it while driving. You’re bringing me back to it, so thank you!

  • Padma

    This is a wonderful article, Parita and so useful for newbies or seasoned healers alike. It is a reminder that to be persistent, patient, and in gratitude are traits we need to move through any goal in life. So remembering that the mind is the initiator of all things a beautiful quote by Buddha came to mind – ‘with our thoughts, we make the world’.

    • paritashahhealing

      Thanks for reading, Padma! Love that quote!

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