Introduction to the Sacral Chakra

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

After receiving a diagnosis of an autoimmune condition, and experiencing countless symptoms that didn’t budge through conventional allopathic medicine, Parita sought complimentary forms of healing through meditation and Reiki. Energy healing helped her listen to her body’s innate wisdom, cope with chronic illness, and pursue her soul’s calling - helping others heal through the mind and body connection. With energy healing sessions, courses, and a blog, she shares tools for transformation and self-healing.

What's revealed in my Sacral Chakra? The meaning of a blocked, stagnant or weak chakra is that you are struggling with one of the functions of that chakra.
Chakra Clearing - Chakra Balancing

Sacral Chakra Sanskrit Name

Svadhisthana (sweetness)

Sacral Chakra Color


Sacral Chakra Element


Sacral Chakra Frequency

417 Hz

Sacral Chakra Mantra


Sense of the Sacral Chakra


Demon of the Sacral Chakra


Right of the Sacral Chakra

To feel pleasure

To experience

Sacral Chakra Location and Glands

The Sacral Chakra governs the reproductive organs and lower abdomen. The bladder, kidneys, bowel, and lower back are also a part of the 2nd chakra. The glands that govern this chakra are the ovaries for women and the testes for men.

Stressors of the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is disturbed with emotional abuse (manipulation and neglect) and sexual trauma. Instances in which your right to experience joy and passion have been curbed, such as extreme religious guidelines, constrict this chakra. It’s also traumatized in cases where one may have been held against his/her will.

Signs of Physical Imbalance in the Sacral Chakra

A weak Sacral Chakra can present in the following ways

  • Lower back or hip pain
  • PCOS, menstrual difficulties, or endometriosis
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Bladder or kidney infections

How a Blocked Sacral Chakra can Manifest into the Outer World

When we have an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, the following can manifest

  • Loss of interest in life, food, sex etc.
  • Codependency in relationships
  • Addictions to food, shopping, sex or stimulants
  • Hypersensitivity or the inability to navigate energies
  • Emotional overreactivity
  • Creative blocks
  • Overly sexual behavior or issues with intimacy
  • Guilt around money or binge shopping

Attributes of a Healthy Sacral Chakra

When the Sacral Chakra is spinning at a healthy rate, we

  • Are able to flow with change
  • Develop emotional intelligence
  • Can experience pleasure without guilt
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Are in touch with our sensuality and sexuality
  • Embrace our creative nature and pursue hobbies
  • Are aware of our individuality and uniqueness
  • Find pleasure in every day

Sacral Chakra Meaning

The meaning of a blocked, stagnant or weak chakra is that you are struggling with one of the functions of that chakra. See below to discover what your sacral chakra can tell you about your consciousness.

What are you holding in your sacral chakra? Share below!

Sacral Chakra Meaning - Sacral Chakra Themes
Parita Shah Intuitive Energy Healer - Reiki Master Teacher

let's work together

Parita intuitively connects with clients around the world to share reiki and chakra balancing. In a 60 minute call, you can discuss and clear energetic blocks that may be holding you back from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Allow her to support you in awakening to your true light.

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