Infusing Reiki into Everyday

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

Parita Shah, Intuitive Energy Healer & Reiki Master Teacher

After receiving a diagnosis of an autoimmune condition, and experiencing countless symptoms that didn’t budge through conventional allopathic medicine, Parita sought complimentary forms of healing through meditation and Reiki. Energy healing helped her listen to her body’s innate wisdom, cope with chronic illness, and pursue her soul’s calling - helping others heal through the mind and body connection. With energy healing sessions, courses, and a blog, she shares tools for transformation and self-healing.

Reiki, translated as spiritually-guided life force energy, is not exclusively channeled to humans and pets. In fact, Reiki can be channeled to inanimate objects such as crystals, jewelry, baths, and oracle cards. The list of ways to use Reiki energy is endless.
Reiki Uses - Reiki for Beginners - Energy Healing

Reiki, translated as spiritually-guided life force energy, is not exclusively channeled to humans and pets. In fact, Reiki can be channeled to inanimate objects as well in order to create protection, cleanse and purify. The list of ways to incorporate this energy healing modality is endless but here are 21 things that you can infuse with Reiki.

1. Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto presented that water transforms with energy. As we think, speak and act, the water shifts microscopically. He notes that when water is exposed to pure speech, thoughts, and intentions, the crystalline structure of water changes as it freezes. Considering that our body is comprised more than 70% of water, we can find harmony quickly with Reiki infused water. Hover your hands around a glass or bottle of water, allow Reiki to flow. Use the Cho Ku Rei or Sei He Ki mantras if you’ve been attuned to them.

2. Candles

Reiki-infused candles are a special way to elevate the energy of a space. As the candle burns, it will raise the vibration of your home or office, making way for you to feel held and supported. Simply hold the candle (preferably soy-based) while it’s not lit in meditation, with the intention to give Reiki.

3. Crystals

Crystals absorb, store, and generate energy which makes them highly suitable for Reiki healings. Hold a crystal that you connect with, set the intention to receive the energy that you need for the day, and allow Reiki to program the crystal. Carry that stone with you for the day and notice it’s effects on your energy field. At the end of the day, look up the meaning of the stone and see if it resonates with your observations. This is also a great exercise to clear your third eye chakra.

Crystal with Reiki - Reiki Infused Crystal Healing

4. Electronics

If you’re skeptical about Reiki fixing your technology, consider that even seemingly solid matter consists of moving atoms. Your energy can move these atoms to create balance and harmony. When you’re ready to surrender to lifeforce, take a few deep breaths, and hover your palms over your phone, computer or printer. Call in a presence greater than you. Notice the flow that you create when you step out of our own way.

5. Wallet

Our belongings take on the energy of our thoughts, actions and behaviors. If we’ve been resentful while making payments, or feel scarcity, we create blockages and stagnation around money, and credit cards. Call in abundance by channeling Reiki and feelings of gratitude into your wallet. Commit to this practice for 40 days to see your relationship with money evolve.

6. Plants

Plants thrive off of Reiki energy. You can offer healing by place your hands on the soil, or by sending distant Reiki to your garden. In this process, you may notice that you’re also receiving healing from the plants. This is because energy is constantly exchanged. Reiki with plants creates grounding and leaves us feeling centered.

7. Vehicles

Reiki is a protective energy that can block, transmute or release low vibrations. You may visualize white or golden energy around your car, plane, or train. Welcome the presence of your Reiki Masters and Source. Doing so will not only strengthen the vehicle’s energy field, but also help the passengers feel safe and at ease.

8. Meals & Food

By offering Reiki for as little as 1-2 minutes, you can increase the vibration of your food. This supports your body in breaking down food, and in absorbing nutrients. It’s also an inspiring opportunity to connect with your food and offer gratitude for it’s sacrifice. This practice can lead us to intuitive eating, or listening to what our body needs.

9. Supplements & Medications

Infusing your supplements and medications with Reiki is key to bringing the lifeforce back into them after they’ve been processed. Listen to the plants, animals, and elements that you’re consuming. Ask if they have a message for you. How do they want to support you?

10. Laundry

The next time that you are folding your laundry away, consciously open your palm chakras to share Reiki. By infusing your seemingly minor belongings with energy, you will begin to feel more supported and aligned. This is also a great way to share Reiki with your family members if they are open to it.

11. Home

Sit in meditation with your palms facing away from your chest. Visualize your home and begin to share Reiki energy. With your practice, you can create protection around your home, and keep negative energy away. This also helps to heal relationship dynamics within the home, and the energy of people who lived on your land before you.

12. Aromatherapy Sprays & Essential Oils

Essential oils are incredibly high in vibration and offer healing properties. However, by infusing them with Reiki, and then diffusing the oil, you can lift the vibration of a space quickly. You can also immerse an aromatherapy spray with Reiki and then spray yourself for empathic protection.

Reiki-infused essential oils

13. Pets

Animals also respond well to Reiki energy. It can heal pain, anxiety or depression just as it does for humans. Animals who have dealt with trauma or are sensitive, can especially use your healing touch.

14. Bath Salts

Epsom and Himalayan salt are two powerful energy cleansers. They absorb and neutralize the noise in our aura. However when we infuse them with Reiki, this effect is amplified. Soaking in a Reiki-infused bath with Epsom and Himalayan Salt is key to energetic hygiene.

15. Art supplies, Musical Instruments or Sporting Goods

Hobbies such as painting, music, or sports create alignment in our field. But infusing our knitting needles, violins, or yoga mats with Reiki, supports us in our creative endeavors. The energy creates a safe sacred space for us to pursue our passions. Reiki energy can also make us more intuitive, and instinctive when we set forth with our hobbies.

16. Bed

Elevate the space in which you rest and restore. Spend 2 minutes before bedtime to put your hands on your mattress and pillow, and intend to create a peaceful sanctuary. It’s essential that we clear our space, especially when we’re spending numerous hours in it.

17. Skin Care Products

Reiki-infused serums, moisturizers and face washes are increasingly available for purchase, but you can offer your own healing touch. The next time you slather a face mask, or use a Gua Sha, allow Reiki to flow through your fingers. Affirm that your beauty comes from within.

18. Vision Board & Journal

After receiving your Reiki attunement, you can send Reiki to your wishes by writing them down in a journal, or creating a vision board. You can also use Hon Sha Zen Sho Nen symbol to connect with your vision and dreams. This ritual helps to set clear intentions and attract what we desire.

19. Room & Altar

We create an uplifting space by sending Reiki to a room or altar. Add an energy healing component at the end of your next clean-up, and visualize that space in pure light. Allow the energy of others to leave your sacred space.

Let’s continue learning Reiki beyond Reiki 1, 2 and 3 certifications! Sign up for Parita’s free Empower the Reiki Healer 5 Day Challenge and you’ll receive access to guided audio journeys and illustrated guides. This free training holds space for intuitive exploration and self-healing. 

20. Jewelry

Reiki-infused jewelry is an easy way to receive healing whenever you need it. After programming a piece of jewelry with Reiki, wear it daily or as needed. For best results, cleanse your jewelry by giving it Reiki for 3-5 minutes everyday.

21. Oracle cards

With repeated use, oracle decks can take on the energy of multiple people. They should be cleared before using. A quick way to do so, while also calling forth your intuition, is by sharing Reiki. Hold the deck in your palms, and simply witness the Reiki energy as it flows.

While we can’t offer Reiki to all of these items everyday, we can be mindful of how Reiki can be incorporated into our daily lives. Energy can be transformed to create shifts in our reality. By sending Reiki to our home, car, and altar, we create protection. With Reiki-infused clothes, crystals, and jewelry, we intentionally call in the exact energies we need with divine timing.

Think outside the box and experiment with how you bring Reiki energy into your life. Let me know if any of these rituals serve you! What do you share Reiki with?

Parita Shah Intuitive Energy Healer - Reiki Master Teacher

let's work together

Parita intuitively connects with clients around the world to share reiki and chakra balancing. In a 60 minute call, you can discuss and clear energetic blocks that may be holding you back from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Allow her to support you in awakening to your true light.

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  • Donna Pounds

    I am a Reiki master. I always infuse my massage table with Reiki before and after sessions. I use it to help create my sacred space when healing.

    • paritashahhealing

      Love that tip! It’s so important to clear space for clients. 🙂

      • Vasudev

        Thank you for the wonderful tips.

  • Lois Baker

    Beautiful site. You’re an inspiration. Glad I found you. Pinterest, it was.

    • paritashahhealing

      Happy to have you here! Thanks for reading 🙂

  • Lois Baker

    Beautiful site. You’re an inspiration. Thank you.

  • Chittaranjan Padhy

    It’s a very bful energy and i thank you for letting me know how to infuse Reiki Healing with Everyday life.

    • paritashahhealing

      You’re welcome! 🙂

  • Victoria

    I’m learning so much more about reiki, so amazing!

    • paritashahhealing

      Yay I love hearing that!

  • Nidhi

    Wonderful information & such a lovely blog ! 😊 I learnt Reiki in 2019… hoping to learn next level soon !

    • paritashahhealing

      That’s so exciting! Wishing you the best for your next level of training. Feel free to join us for the free 5 day Empower the Reiki Healer Challenge for some additional practice!

  • Shalini

    beautiful post. loved every word of it.

    • paritashahhealing

      Thanks a bunch! Hope you found some creative ways to channel Reiki.

  • Lauren

    I’m thankful to have found your site. I needed this and here you are. Thank you for your insights, reminders, and tips.

    • paritashahhealing

      I’m grateful for you! Thanks for reading. 🙂

  • Reply

    can’t wait to incorporate most of this in my daily routine 🙂

    • paritashahhealing

      Hope you enjoy the practice! Thank you for reading.

  • gab

    Grateful Parita:)

    • paritashahhealing

      My pleasure! Thanks for reading!

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